Sell appointment times

  • Updated on 21 July 2023
  • 1 min. read

While Big Cartel was designed primarily for selling physical products, you can certainly sell things like appointments, sessions, or bookings. This can be handy for photographers, workshop leaders, or anyone offering time-based reservations.

Variants as time slots ⏰

You can use the Product Variants feature to list different dates or time slots for your booking availability. Make sure Inventory Tracking is enabled too, so the reserved slots will sell out and prevent overbooking.

A note on calendars 📆

While there aren't any available Big Cartel integrations with calendar apps or services for booking, embedding a Google calendar in a custom page can be an easy way to give customers an overview of availability or events coming up.

Services like Calendly and are also useful for allowing folks to schedule appointments or meeting times based on your availability.


Contact us if you need more pointers or want to see some examples in action.

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