Reset to the default version of a theme

  • Updated on 21 July 2023
  • 4 min read

Get the latest version of your theme

There are a few reasons why you may want to start over with a theme:

  • You want to access new theme features or account features, but you are running an older version of a theme and can’t access those features.

  • You’ve customized your Advanced Theme Code, but those customization are no longer working for you and you want to start over on your shop’s Design.

Whatever the reason for wanting to reset your theme, you can follow the steps below for Web, iOS, and Android devices to ensure you don’t permanently lose any code changes or customizations that you’d like to use with your new or updated theme.

The Sexy, Blocks, Setlist, and Parade themes are no longer supported. You can continue to use those themes in their existing version, but we no longer support or update those themes.

To ensure you are using all the features we offer, and that your customers have the most optimal shopping experience. We recommend using one of our supported Themes.

If you’re looking for advice on designing a layout that reflects your brand and products, check out our blog article, Choose the Right Design for Your Shop. It includes lots of helpful tips on finding your style and incorporating that into your shop's layout.


  1. Head to your Big Cartel Design settings.

  2. Save your Logo image file if you don’t already have it on your device.

  3. If you love your current color scheme, jot down or take a screenshot of the hex values (color codes) for each element.

  4. Make a note of any font selections you’d like to keep using.

  5. If you have any code customizations you want to keep, download your theme code for each customized page in the Code section of your Design settings

  6. Now you’re ready for the update! Click the Themes tab in the top left corner and choose your new theme.

  7. Go back to the Settings tab to add images, select your fonts, pick a color scheme, and more.

  8. For custom code, select the Code tab and use the Integration Code section to add any integrations back to your shop, or open a page in the Advanced Theme Code section to add custom code changes back in, one at a time

  9. Be sure to click Done to save code changes

  10. Your design edits will be autosaved and you’ll just click Publish when you're ready for the new look to reflect in your store

Custom pages and the rest of your Big Cartel admin will not be affected by any theme changes.

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