View discount list

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Your discount list gives you a quick overview of the great deals you have out in the wild. Both active and expired discounts can be found here.

Color bars on discounts 🏳️‍🌈

  • A blue line means the discount is "pending" because you've set that discount to kick in at a later date.

  • Yellow is a heads up that your discount is about to expire.

  • Red means the discount has expired and can't be used again.

Sift and sort

Once a discount is expired, it will move over to the Expired list to keep things tidy.

You can toggle between card view and list view by using the three dot icon in the top right corner. Shop owners with a ton of discounts may find the list view easier to navigate, but try both and see what works best for you.


  1. Log in at

  2. Go to Discounts.

  3. Click Active to view discounts available for use.

  4. Click Expired to view discounts that are not in use.

  5. Click the action menu, and then View as a grid or View as a list to choose your desired layout.

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