Make the Ranger Theme Your Own

Make the Ranger Theme Your Own

With just a few tweaks to the Ranger theme, you can get a look that's totally your own. Here's how we mixed things up to give a fresh look to the store design in just a few minutes.

Mountain Mist

A shop doesn't have to use white to look polished and professional. A simple color palette with a few complementary colors does the trick nicely. Making the Content Background the same as the general Background lets the photography stand out.


Get the look

  • Background: #F4F3F1

  • Content Background: #F4F3F1

  • Accent Background: #F4F3F1

  • Accent Text Color: #8A877F

Accent Pattern Color: #F4F3F1

  • Primary Text Color: #8A877F

  • Button Background Color: #E95053

  • Links Color: #E95053

  • Primary Font: Cutive Mono

  • Secondary Font: Cutive Mono

  • Accent Pattern Style: No Pattern

Cliff Hanger

If you like a moodier vibe, try a deep gray instead of black. It's a little more forgiving, but never boring. When using white text against a dark background, choose a heavier font to make your product descriptions easy to read.


Get the look

  • Background: #181818

  • Content Background: #222222

  • Accent Background: #181818

  • Accent Text Color: #FFFFFF

Accent Pattern Color: #333333

  • Primary Text Color: #FFFFFF

  • Button Background Color: #D6AA42

  • Links Color: #D6AA42

  • Primary Font: Bevan

  • Secondary Font: Inconsolata

  • Accent Pattern Style: Diagonal Lines

Sea Side

Let a stand-out photo guide your shop design. Your Background can be inspired by the Welcome Image, and you can choose accent colors from the same color family. Keep an eye on how your logo interacts with the shop header, and adjust the color as needed so it feels like it belongs.


Get the look

  • Background: #D7E9DE

  • Content Background: #FFFFFF

  • Accent Background: #7E9E8B

  • Accent Text Color: #FFFFFF

Accent Pattern Color: #EDD147

  • Primary Text Color: #666666

  • Button Background Color: #EDD147

  • Links Color: #EDD147

  • Primary Font: Playfair Display

  • Secondary Font: Open Sans

  • Accent Pattern Style: No Pattern

Shops in the wild

These makers are already using Ranger in their living, breathing stores. Take a look at how they've made it their own.


MUR MÛR sells a variety of home goods that are built to last. The restrained colors feel classic and the delicate font's at home with the thin lines of their logo.


NPCo Northern Pine Co. sells outdoorsy apparel and accessories. They add a little extra atmosphere to their shop by customizing code to display a photo in the Accent area of their product pages.


Blythman Laura Blythman's colorful collages work beautifully on a variety of surfaces like bags, prints, trays, and gift wrap. Her established color palette gives plenty of options for contrasting Button Background and Accent Background colors.

Ready to make your own version?

The Ranger theme is in your Big Cartel admin, ready to be transformed to suit your shop. Log in to your admin, select your store name in the top right corner, then Customize design. Select Ranger from the list of themes and customize away.

To give Ranger a closer look, try out the demo store or review the feature list.

27 February 2017

Words by:Sarah Anderson

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